Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing
Pharaon aims to integrate highly customizable interoperable open platforms with advanced services, devices, and tools including IoT, artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud computing, smart wearables, big data, and intelligent analytics for Europe’s ageing population. Pharaon will consider relevant standards and will contribute to them with the help of the two standardisation bodies of the consortium and will be implemented within health and other domains (energy, transport and smart cities). Pharaon will be user centric and utilize cloud technologies, AI and algorithms for big data intelligent analytics, while at the same time be concerned with data privacy, cybersecurity, interoperability and openness. Pharaon will evolve from the user feedback and results from a MAFEIP framework that will be implemented for impact assessment. This will be used to find innovative solutions through two “open calls”: 1) single solutions and 2) small-scale pilot demonstrations. Validation takes place in two stage: pre-validation and large-scale pilots (LSPs) in Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Slovenia and Italy, where team of partners in each of them will ensure its right development. Public development tools will simplify customization, integration and help to promote development of new solutions similar to Pharaon.