22 Jan SPREAD2INNO: One-stop shop web platform for startups, business acceleration and innovation service providers
The SPREAD2INNO project aims to bring together different innovation stakeholders from crucial European innovation regions. To this end, it has established an online platform to target business acceleration and innovation service providers, SMEs and start-ups from all over Europe. Split into a multitude of modules, the platform offers opportunities for connecting to stakeholders and participating in discussions, as well as finding business growth initiatives and opportunities in different regions.
The SPREAD2INNO One-stop shop web platform has been established as an extension of the project website, providing various interactive modules that enable all kinds of stakeholders from the European innovation ecosystem to connect and exchange best practices. To achieve the aims of the project, the following modules have been implemented on the platform:
In its function as the project website, the SPREAD2INNO Platform aims to share information about the SPREAD2INNO project and its goals and activities. Thus, various static subpages provide information on the following aspects:
- Startup events: This subpage presents the SPREAD2INNO local startup events and leads to detailed sub-pages for each of them.
- Innovation Academies: In a similar vein as the events page, this page offers an overview of the two SPREAD2INNO Innovation Academies.
- News: This section includes news articles written by consortium members on the project, its activities as well as related topics.
- Project Info: This subpage introduces the SPREAD2INNO project, its aims, activities, and objectives. It also leads to a download section of the project’s dissemination materials, information about the consortium, and a contact page.
The directory integrated into the SPREAD2INNO Platform allows users to engage with the platform, use filters, search for entities, and benefit from various visualisation functions. The database of the directory is a collection of best practices and stakeholders in the regional innovation ecosystems of Bulgaria, Greece and Italy, as well as on EU level. The module thus provides networking and growth opportunities to business acceleration and innovation service providers, SMEs, and startups.
The networking module of the one-stop shop web platform is a virtual space and meeting point for all innovation ecosystem stakeholders, business acceleration and innovation service providers, as well as SMEs and startups from all over Europe. Users can register on the platform and create a profile, allowing them to connect with other users, exchange messages, initiate and participate in open discussions, form groups, and invite additional users. The matchmaking and partnering will benefit businesses, innovation stakeholders, and even investors, to facilitate commercial gain and knowledge exchange.
SPREAD2INNO Platform: https://www.spread2inno.eu/
Startups, innovation, platform, networking, business, directory, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece